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My Newsletter: China in Rise: The masterpieces we missed!

" was discussing "余秋雨的山居筆記" in my last Ocean Tower in a major chapter of which book the author was deliberately denouncing the five different kinds of the so-called "little people". The point is we are all little people striving to act better and that no matter who we are we share the same humanity. Unfortunately again, Confucius taught us to make friends only with those who "are better than ourselves". In Chinese literature, we have pretty much eliminated ha;f of the immense humanity of which we are all essential parts. For this reasn again, I was pointing out we have had books published in the long history of empire after empire but we hardly can find a masterpiece of landmark significance. I have stopped to ponder here, musing if I can find a few of the world's greatest books ever known to mankind, whch, coincidentally, also deal with "little people".

English literature has a relative short history. Before Jeofferey Chaucer (1343-1400), the major work, if any, had to be Beowulf, a long poem on warriors, adventures and the slaying of monsters. Then the greatest book ever written was born when Chaucer started his "The Canterbury Tales" in the late fourteenth century. The book was about a pilgrimage from London to Canterbury. The book was not fnished but with what Chaucer left we can read and have the most vivid view of the medieval age with landscapes varying from the social, religious, economic, military aspects to psychological and sexual abuses, greeds and corruptions all told candidly by the "little people". The group consist of merchant, reeve, miller, doctor, lawyer, monk, friar, pardoner, summoner, priest, plowman, military man, knight, squire, clergy, prioress, nun, and the wife of Bath and they all wanted toworship at the shrine of marytr Thomas Becket in Canterbury. These were real people and spoke honestly about their opinions, feelings and daily lives. The doctor confessed that he did not really know much about his profession and was interested more in making money than curing his patients; the miller was a grain trader and told how he cheated customes on the scale; the lawyer was a boring braggard (are they not all this way?); the reeve had embezzled to become rich; the pardoner took bribes to pardon; the summoner was greedy and unscrupulous; the monk was lusty and worldly but none surpassed the wife of Bath who had had five husbands whom she had enjoyed all. She was robust, fiercely honest, rawdy and full of healthy desire! Chaucer has presented us, unpretentiously, the medieval society, the men and women who lived and told their lives honestly. Theywere not little people; they were all of us and thus the "Canterbury Tales" deal with lives as they were rather than they should be.

From such a sense of realism came Henry Fielding's "The History of Tom Jones" published in 1749. Tom was an abandoned child placed at the doorway of the rich squire Allworthy at Somoerset, England, who adopted him and took good care of him. Nonetheless, under the influence from his bastard background which was not hidden from him when he grew up and perhaps also his natural DNA, Tom grew us to be "vigorous and lusty." Actually, Tom was the most famous and infamous playboy in the history of England and he ruined virgin after virgin with no apparent sense of regret. But at the same time Fielding let the other side of his character gradally reveal. Tom was also brave, faithful to his friend and showed great compassion for his fellow men. When squire Allworthy wrongfully punshed black George for the bird hunting wth Tom on other's land without permission, Tom sold his beloved horse and helped George and his family to get along. In afair after afair, which guided the books, eighteen in total and close to 15,000 pages in the complicated labyrinth of debaucheries, Tom finally reunited with Sophia, the girl he really loved and found himself the abandoned son of a rich nobleman who left him a large fortune. Could a "little man" like Tom with some courage and compassion really deserve such change of fortune. Fielding informed us that Tom

"hath the noblest generosity of heart, the most perfect capacity of friendship, the highest integrity, and indeed every virture that ennobles a man." Wow! In the strict hypocritical moral standard handed to us by Confucius, he would have fallen into a deep river and drowned!

Nataniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) wrote the famous "SCARLET LETTER" and published it in 1850, a book relatively close to our age. The letter "A" did not stand for 100 points on the math examination. Rather, it stood for "adultery. Hester Prynne was sent to New England ahead of her husband who chose to take care of some of his busness in Europe and join her later. She was seduced by the holy church minister, Arthur Dimmersdale, a highly spiritual man adored by every man, and woman in a large congregation close to Boston. They had a child by the name of Pearl. When the community found out, they punished her by forcing her to wear the red letter "A" in her front and humiliated her in public. Dimmersdale, in spite of his high moral and spiritual life, lacked the courage to admitted his fault. Hester suffered silently and endured all mocks and hardship by herself while her real husband, a
Mr Chillingworth worked in disguise to ruin the church minister psychologically as his revenge. Through persevernce, the little woman, Hester Prynne, finally won and the letter "A" by God's mercy, vanished. Hawthorne was saying that human flaw and weakness can be overcome with human endurance and suffering. Little men and little women could rise to triumph!

D.H. Lawerence, a famous writer of our time, said the following about the book and the courage.
"There could be not a more perfect work of American imagination than the Scarlet Letter."

And Henry James added
"an indefinable purity and lightness of conception."

Beside dogmas, prejudices, shallow interpretation of human nature, and callous degradation of qualities we all possess what have Confucius and Mr. Yu said to us that is worthwhile? Is it not time that we embrace a larger and total humanity? I believe that Chaucer sowed the seed for modern English realism and the famous work of Newman, Carlye and Dickens and even America's Mark Twain. From such presentations of lives and people it became possble that a Darwinian intellectual revolution and the industrial revolution found their doors open in England, without which, alas, the old compass and the new compass would look strikingly similar as in China.



英国文学有一个相对短的历史。在Jeofferey乔叟(1343至1400年),主要工作,如果有的话,必须武夫,一个战士,冒险和怪物杀害长诗。然后,最大的书写过出生时乔叟开始他的“坎特伯雷故事集”,在十四世纪末期。该书是关于从伦敦到坎特伯雷朝圣。书中没有什么乔叟但我们可以读取和左边的有来自社会,宗教,经济,军事方面的不同心理和性虐待的风景中世纪时代最生动的看法fnished,greeds和损坏的一切告诉坦率的“小人物”。该集团由商人,里夫,米勒,医生,律师,和尚,修道士,pardoner,召唤师,牧师,农夫,军人,骑士,乡绅,神职人员,prioress,尼姑和巴斯的妻子,他们都希望在toworship在坎特伯雷神社的marytr托马斯贝克特。这些都是实实在在的人,谈到了他们的意见,情感和生活诚实。医生交代说,他并不真正了解他的职业非常感兴趣,并在赚钱多固化他的病人,米勒是一个粮商,并告诉他如何骗上规模customes;律师是一个无聊的braggard(他们并不是所有的这种方式);?的里夫私自挪用致富;的pardoner受贿赦免;的召唤是贪婪和不择手段;和尚是妖媚和世俗的,但没有谁超过了巴斯有过五个丈夫,她的妻子谁享有所有。她是强大的,激烈诚实,rawdy和健康充满渴望!乔叟已提出我们unpretentiously,中世纪社会中,男性和女性谁告诉他们的居住和生活的诚实。 Theywere不小的人,他们都是我们从而与生活的“坎特伯雷故事集”的交易,因为他们,而不是它们应该的。






