
Just wrote a rebuttal on Dick Cheney: (刚写了反驳切尼: )

Just wrote a rebuttal on Dick Cheney: Cheney defends Iraq war "I don't think that [the war] damaged our reputation around the world," says the former vice president A recent opinion poll on MSN over if the Iraq war should be fought shows that 50% of those polled thought it was a mistake for the Bush administration to fight the war while 29% agreed with vice president Dick Cheney. It was significant that many crossed the party line to show their true feeling. It is very painful to see that the vice president after so many years of solitary thinking can not get an obvious answer which many ordinary American citizens can easily perceive. How could a man with such bigotry and narrow vision be placed on a leadership position of the world's most powerful nation was a puzzle to me and even more so was the political process that put him there. Born in Nebraska but growing up in Casper, Wyoming, the vice president, after graduadting from Casper High School, went to Yale in 1959 as a freshman just like his boss, president George W. Bush. Unlike the young Bush, who beside fraternity partying and intoxication, Cheney could not even get his C's and D's at Yale from which he was forced to drop out. Back to his home state, young Cheney went to Casper College, at Casper, Wyoming, a town famous for its coal mining business on the northesat corner of Wyoming bordering Idaho. Later on, he transferred to the University of Wyoming at Laramie, generally known as the nation's number-one party school since students could go nowhere in winter time after the hunting and fishing seasons were over. It was during this period of time the war in Vietnam was going on and Cheney was drafted with 1-A status, meaning he had to serve immediately. Cheney made "5" continuous petitions to delay his sevice, including marrying his high school girl friend to change his draft status to 3-A but in 1965 the war was getting worse and president Lyndon Johnson doubled the number of draftees and Cheney was back in 1-A draft status again. To get away from that, his wife was immediately pregnant and based on that Cheney made his last petition to avoid the military service(in college, married with kid!). One would tend to think that those hawkish Republicans must be warriors when young. Then, one was wrong both on Bush and Cheney. Both managed to avoid going to the war!I am not a democrat but senator John Kerry was really much more brave in his gunboat parade! Then, why USA should not get into the war with Iraq? First, the causes for starting the war were manufactured and fraudulent. Iraq at the time had no nuclear weapeons nor chemical weapeons. Even though president Bush insisted he had the wrong report from CIA, his earnest in getting into the war was too strong for that statement to be valid. Remember the UN inspectors were asking just two more weeks for them to finish the inspections thoroughly but Bush and Cheney could not wait because they knew pretty well that once it was thoroughly investigated, they no longer had the excuses to start the war! Bush and Cheney wanted the war in the first place! While the war was on-going, occupying US military forces who had chances to examine all Iraq's weapeon systems again reported the Bush administration that there was "NO" nuclear weapeons or "chemical" weapeons in Iraq. If Bush and Cheney really believed they fought the war for the claimed causes, they should feel the remorses of their errors and withdraw the troops. Ironically, more troops were sent because now Bush and Cheney wanted Iraq to be a "democratic" nation. What harms have we received from this war of invasion on wrong causes? An estimated 700,000 Iraqis and about 5500 Americans died in the war. Ever since the war of Vietnam, US government has been mum on foreign civilians killed in wars with US, which does not appear to be their concern. Still many believe US casualties could be over 500,000 due to illness and mental diseases following PBD (post traumatic stress disorders). But the more serious problem has been on the financial side. At the start of the war, White House economic advisor Lawerence Lindsay estimated an annual cost of 100-200 billion and he was fired for this over estimate.Again, the White House adjusted it to 50-60 billion but the real amount has been over 500 billion! The war has cost Americans 3 "trillions"! The war has cost each American abour $12,000 including babies! just watch how the national debts have soared up! But then defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld told the Americans that " we are dealing with a country that can finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon!" Therefore, many Americans were led to believe that we could make huge profits after the war when we use Iraq oil to finance American companies for the reconstruction! The war has basically drained US national economic recovery. Furthermore, the perjuries, the criminal abuses on prisoners such as waterboarding and the abolishment of due process have all sunk US national prestige to new lows! The real reasons we went to the war were oil and dollars and greed. In 2000, Iraq abolished dollars and used euros to trade its oil. If this became a trend, then USA could no longer just print currency to bring in foreign merchandises. Ironically, Hussein was one of the first to rebel against this new form of economic colonization of USA over the world. Many economists believe we are already 75 trillion in debts because of the excessive dollars we have printed irresponsibly. On a 107-page report, International Human Right Watch has documented US tortures and urged criminal investigations on Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. It is time for justice to be served. Justice has not been served either when Dick Cheney in February, 2006, turned back suddenly, without checking to see his hunting partner's whereabout, shot Harry Whittington, on the chest, neck and face with a 28-gauge shotgun at Armstrong Ranch close to Corpus Christi, Texas,for which injury the latter deeply apologized and suffered a heart attack because the lead had penetrated too close to his heart. Cheney went back to Washington and three days later after the news leaked out to the press started to admit this careless incident. All in all, he was not a patriot, not brave and not even smart but he was smart enough to become the defense minister and VP for the two Bush administrations. How could that ever happen? At the end, he was rejected by W. who refused to pardon Lewis (Scooter) Libby and now to get even with W., he was out to tell the truth, all the truth, nothing but the truth! Out of all uncertainties about politics and wars, one thing stands out loud and clear. This man does not have a heart! 谷歌中文翻译版; 刚写了反驳切尼: 切尼保卫伊拉克战争 “我不认为[战争破坏我们在世界各地的声誉,说:”前副总裁 应争取超过伊拉克战争,如果在MSN最近的民意投票显示,50%的受访者认为这是一个打的战争,而29%同意与副总统切尼对布什政府的错误。这是显著,许多越过党的路线,以显示自己的真实感受。这是非常痛苦地看到,经过这么多年的孤立思维的副总裁不能得到的答案很明显,许多普通的美国公民可以很容易地感知。这样的偏见和狭隘的视野的人怎么可能被放置在一个世界上最强大的国家的领导地位是一个谜,我更把他的政治进程。 出生在内布拉斯加州,但生长在凯斯普尔,怀俄明州,副总裁,从卡斯帕高中graduadting后,作为一个新生,就像他的老板,总统布什在1959年耶鲁大学。与年轻的布什,旁边联谊会聚会和中毒,切尼可能甚至没有得到他的C和在耶鲁大学德从他被迫辍学。回到他的家乡,年轻的切尼去卡斯帕学院,卡斯帕,怀俄明州,一个小镇著名的煤炭开采业务northesat怀俄明州与爱达荷州接壤的角落。后来,他转移到怀俄明大学在拉勒米,一般作为国家的头号党校,因为学生可以去后,狩猎和捕鱼季节,在冬天的时候超过。正是在这段时间内,在越南战争是怎么回事,切尼正在起草与1 - A状态,这意味着他立即为。切尼提出了“10”连续请愿拖延他的服务队,包括他的高中女生朋友结婚,改变自己的状态的3 - A,但在1965年战争呈愈演愈烈之势,林登约翰逊总统役男和切尼的数量翻了一番,早在草案1 - A草案状态。从距离,他的妻子立即怀孕的基础上,切尼做了他最后的请愿书,以避免兵役(在大学里,孩子结婚了!)。人们往往会想到那些鹰派共和党人必须勇士年轻的时候。然后,一个是错误的布什和切尼。这两种管理,以避免战争!我不是一个民主主义者,但参议员约翰克里是真的在他的炮舰巡游更勇敢! 那么,为什么美国不应该进入与伊拉克的战争?首先,战争的原因是生产和欺诈。当时,伊拉克没有核武器weapeons的,也没有化学weapeons。尽管布什总统坚持他从中央情报局的错误报告,他在进入战争的认真是太强大了该声明是有效的。记住联合国武器核查人员要求两个星期完成彻底的检查,但布什和切尼不能等待,因为他们知道得很好,一旦它被彻底调查,他们不再有借口发动战争!布什和切尼想摆在首位的战争!虽然战争,占领美国军队有机会来考察伊拉克的所有weapeon系统再次报道了布什政府有“NO”,核weapeons或“化学”在伊拉克weapeons。如果布什和切尼真的相信他们争取战争索赔的原因,他们应该感到自己的错误remorses,并撤出军队。具有讽刺意味的​​是,更多的部队被送往因为现在布什和切尼希望伊拉克是一个“民主”国家。有什么危害,我们收到了来自这样的侵华战争错误的原因?估计有70万伊拉克人和美国人约5500人死于战争。自从越南战争以来,美国政府一直在美国,战争似乎并没有被他们的关注中丧生的外国平民的妈妈。不过许多人认为以下的PBD(创伤后应激障碍),美军伤亡人数可能会超过50万,由于疾病和精神疾病。但更严重的问题已经在财务方面。在战争开始时,白宫经济顾问Lawerence林赛罗估计每年100-200亿美元的成本,他是过度estimate.Again发射,白宫调整到50-60亿美元,但实际数额已超过500亿元的!战争耗费了美国人3“万亿”!战争费用12,000元,包括婴儿,每个美国abour!只是看如何国债飙升了!但当时的国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德告诉美国人说:“我们正在处理一个国家可以资助自己的重建,并比较快!”因此,导致许多美国人相信,我们能够利用战争结束后的巨大利润,当我们用伊拉克的石油,以资助美国公司的重建!战争已基本耗尽,美国经济复苏的国家。此外,perjuries,诸如水刑和正当程序取消刑事虐待囚犯都击沉了美国的国家信誉再创新低!我们到战争的真正原因是石油和美元和贪婪。 2000年,伊拉克取消美元和使用欧元交易的石油。如果这成为一种趋势,那么美国可能不再仅仅是打印货币在国外merchandises引进。具有讽刺意味的​​是,侯赛因是第一反抗这个世界各地的美国的经济殖民化的新形式之一。许多经济学家认为,我们已经在75万亿美元的债务,因为我们有印刷不负责任的过度美元。 在107页的报告,国际人权观察记录了美国的折磨,并敦促布什,切尼和拉姆斯菲尔德进行刑事调查。它是正义的时间送达。司法部已经不被送达或者当迪克切尼在二月,2006年,转身回突然不检查,看他的狩猎伙伴的whereabout,拍摄哈里惠廷顿,在胸前,一个28号猎枪脖子和脸阿姆斯特朗牧场关闭,以语料库斯蒂,得克萨斯州,后者深深伤害道歉,并遭受了心脏病发作,因为铅已经渗透到他的心脏太近。切尼回到华盛顿,三天后向新闻界泄露出来的消息后开始承认这个粗心的事件。总而言之,他不是一个爱国者,不勇敢,甚至不聪明,但他很聪明,足以成为两个布什政府的国防部长和副总裁。怎么可能发生呢?最后,他是由W.拒绝赦免利比和刘易斯(踏板车),甚至与W拒绝,他告诉真相,所有的真相,不过真相! 关于政治和战争的所有不确定性中,有一件事情脱颖而出响亮而清晰的的。这名男子没有心脏!